Today was a pretty big day in the life of my wife and I. We found out that….. She passed her praxis! and her literacy test! And not just passed, she was above the national average! That’s cause for celebration. Rachel has always asked me, “Matt, how smart am I?” I would generally respond with, “girl, if intelligence were measured in weight, you would probably have to go on the biggest loser because you are…” and she would usually stop me right there and tell me, “Matt, I am damn smart.” She would say that right to my face, and I would agree, of course, because she is. If we were to compare GPA’s, hers would be someone like Robert Pattinson and mine would be someone like Danny DeVito. Or even Vern Troyer. All I really wanted to say is this: Rachel will be my suga mama in seriously no-time-flat! So cheers to you girl and your continued success in life and your endeavors. You are the best (if not the smartest) wife there is. (And you’re better than me at COD but I’m catching up.)
Haha! To whoever reads this: I do not always ask Matt, "How smart am I?" He likes to make things up :) <3 u Matt!
Haha Sure, sure! I bet you always ask him this question!!
Good job on the Praxis girl! And the Lit test, that's such a great feeling to have passed them! You're going to be finished before you know it!
What a sweet things Matt has to say. You are the best husband ever and the funniest. I am so proud to be Raes mom and congrats on passing your test especially the recorder. =)
Love yall mucho!!!
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